網上虛擬貨幣交易所 Coinbase Global, Inc. 第一季營利低於市場預期。公司作出警告若破產,用戶將失去存取其加密貨幣資產的權利。
2/ We have no risk of bankruptcy, however we included a new risk factor based on an SEC requirement called SAB 121, which is a newly required disclosure for public companies that hold crypto assets for third parties. https://t.co/lwmgb1kFtA
— Brian Armstrong (@brian_armstrong) May 11, 2022
但Coinbase CEO Brian Armstron在社交平台Twitter發表推文表示,公司並非面對破產風險,只是根據美國證券交易委員會(SEC)的要求納入了一個新的風險因素,沒有破產的風險,而法庭也不大機會把客戶資產視為可用作破產款項。但又稱不能排除其可能性。
其後,他又在 Twitter 發文指正在採取進一步措施更新用戶條款,為零售客戶提供保護,避免受「黑天鵝事件」(black swan event)影響。
4/ For our retail customers, we’re taking further steps to update our user terms such that we offer the same protections to those customers in a black swan event. We should have had these in place previously, so let me apologize for that.
— Brian Armstrong (@brian_armstrong) May 11, 2022
Coinbase公布的第一季度收入差過預期,虧損超出預期,每月交易用戶下降至 920 萬,並且在本月11日重挫 26.4%、收53.72美元,創歷史收盤新低,本季度持續下降。
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