最近一名華爾街日報記者希金斯(Tim Higgins)在其即將出版的新書《Power Play: Tesla, Elon Musk, and the Bet of the Century》中,聲稱 Apple 行政總裁 Tim Cook 曾在 2016 年致電 Elon Musk 討論收購 Tesla 一事,惟當時 Elon Musk 表示條件為自己擔任 Apple 的行政總裁而告吹。傳言流出之後 Elon Musk 也立即在 Twitter 上發文否認此事。
Elon Musk 在上星期五發佈 Twitter 中反駁,自己從來未有與 Tim Cook 進行過談話或寫信來往,縱使他曾打算與 Tim Cook 商討 Apple 收購 Tesla 一事。
Cook & I have never spoken or written to each other ever.
There was a point where I requested to meet with Cook to talk about Apple buying Tesla. There were no conditions of acquisition proposed whatsoever.
He refused to meet. Tesla was worth about 6% of today’s value.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 30, 2021
另外,Elon Musk 也對傳言的來源者—華爾街日報的記者 Tim Higgins 作出了評論,其在帖子中形容 Higgins 的新書為虛假和沉悶。對此 Tim Higgins 也不甘示弱,其也在 Twitter 上發佈貼文指對話的內容是根據當時聽到復述的人轉達,這則軼事是來自 Elon Musk 自己對談話的描述。
Higgins managed to make his book both false *and* boring 🤣🤣
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 30, 2021
Musk was given plenty of opportunities to comment on this. He didn’t. This anecdote comes from Musk’s own account of the conversation, according to people who heard the retelling at the time. https://t.co/GRKZRBsaeR
— Tim Higgins (@timkhiggins) July 30, 2021
資料來源: Twitter
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