WASHINGTON, USA - MAY 29: A person holds a banner reading "Justice for George Floyd", as crowds gather to protest after the death of George Floyd in Washington D.C. United States on May 29, 2020. Floyd, 46, a black man, was arrested Monday after reportedly attempting to use a counterfeit $20 bill at a local store. Video footage on Facebook showed him handcuffed and cooperating. But police claimed he resisted arrest. A white officer kneeled on his neck, despite Floydâs repeated pleas of "I can't breathe." Former police officer Derek Chauvin was charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter, according to Hennepin County Prosecutor Michael Freeman. Minneapolis, Minnesota Mayor Jacob Frey said Friday he imposed a mandatory curfew because of ongoing protests regarding the death of George Floyd. (Photo by Yasin Ozturk/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
因美國黑人 George Floyd 死亡觸發的反種族歧視及反警暴示威持續蔓延至美國多個州分,當地不少警力亦藉此投放至打擊相關違法行為當中。據外國媒體的最新報道,近日有 35 位民主黨國會議員就簽署了一封聯署信,要求美國聯邦調查局 (FBI) 等機構停止以無人機對參加和平抗議的美國民眾進行監視。
是次參與了聯署信的 35 名民主黨國會議員在該公開信中指出,近期多個聯邦機構對美國正爆發的抗議活動展開密切的監視,當中 FBI 以及國民警衛軍就通過配備了紅外線以及光學攝像功能的飛機監視民眾的合法抗議活動,而海關及邊境保衛局就出動了 「MQ-1 掠奪者」無人機以收集示威活動的實時影片,斥有關行為已違反了美國憲法當中所賦予的合法抗議權,要求當局立即停止有關行為。
信中更提及多個美國聯邦機構甚至在示威活動當中動用了包括面部識別、車牌識別以及 Stingrays 等技術協助執法,當中後者更可以收集示威者手機所發出及收集的短信、瀏覽紀錄及位置等多項數據。參與聯署的國會議員就在信中表示,他們與目前數以百萬計的美國人民站在同一陣線,和平地呼籲政府進行改革以解決種族主義以及社會上存在的不公正現象。
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