--FILE--Jia Yueting, Chairman of Leshi Internet Information and Technology Corp. and Chairman of Letv.com, delivers a speech to introduce the Letv smart TV at a launch event in Beijing, China, 7 May 2013.
Chinese multinational conglomerate LeEco is not only facing a "far worse than expected" cash crunch, its assets have also been frozen by a Shanghai court. Group chairman Jia Yueting and his wife Gan Wei have also had their assets frozen. The company's and the couple's assets are said to be worth around 1.237 billion yuan ($182 million), said Tencent News, citing a document released by the Shanghai High People's Court on June 26. Alongside LeEco, Leview Mobile HK Limited and an unnamed company whose main business includes producing mobile phones have also had their assets frozen.
據美國加拿大法院公布的文件表示,樂視創辦人賈躍亭名下超過 15 億美元(約港幣 HK$ 117 億元)的財產已被法院凍結,同時亦對他名下的 4 套加州豪宅發布臨時限制令。據報,入稟的是樂視債主「上海懶財資產管理有限公司」。

據大陸媒體《每日經濟新聞》報道,美國加州中區法院已接受「上海懶財資產管理有限公司」的申請,即時凍結賈躍亭持有的 33% Faraday Future 股權,同時對他名下的物業頒下臨時限制令,被凍結的資格總值超過 15 億美元(約港幣 HK$ 117 億元)。

據有關文件顯示,上海懶財早於本月 10 日提出有關申請,而賈躍亭則沒有提出反對。而上海懶財亦表示,樂視體育早於 2016 年 12 月 2 日向他們貸款 5,000 萬元,同時承諾會在 12 月內一筆過償還本金,而當時賈躍亭與樂視控股同為擔保人,所以應為壞帳負上責任。

可是,賈躍亭及樂視控股支付 2 期利息後,就停止償還餘下的本金和利息。雖然上海懶財早向北京仲裁委員會提出仲裁,但賈躍亭一方卻一直未有表態。所以今次再次向美國法院入稟。
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