馬哥:裸辭冇有怕!大把 IT 工等緊你

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「我腦細好難頂!我長期要 OT!但 OT 冇補水 -_- 」

我相信呢個係好多 IT 人既心聲,如果唔想再受苦… 聽我馬哥話, 裸辭冇有怕!大把 IT 工等緊你!

有興趣既 WIRE 民立即登記成為求職會員 (Job Seekers) 啦!

如果貴公司有尋求人才嘅需要,可以立刻登記成為僱主(Employer) 把你地嘅職位空缺資料刊登到我地嘅網站。(試作航行期間,僱主可免費刊登招聘廣告)



  • 完整公司簡介 (包括:公司Logo,聯繫人姓名,電郵,網址,詳細公司簡介)。

職位: .NET Programmer / Consultant

地點: Central & Western Area

需求: Application development, testing, and system implementation

技能: Good in .NET 4.0 and MVC (at least 3), Web Form

職位: Business Performance and Customer Behavior Analytics (multiple vacancies)

地點: Central & Western Area

需求: Liaise with internal and external parties, define and design BI dashboard, reports and data visualization tools and results, for the presentation and communication purposes to senior management and stakeholder parties

技能: High proficiency work skill in using SAS and R is a must. Good knowledge of QlikView, Tableau, Cognos is a definite advantage and will be used to determine which role the candidate will be considered for.

職位: Business Intelligence / Data Warehouse Analyst – Bank (Power BI / SAS / Hadoop )

地點: Central & Western Area

需求: Analyze available data, identify and recommend best sources for building reports.

技能: Experience working with business intelligence tools such as Microsoft BI(Power BI) or SAS or Hadoop

職位: IT Security Engineer / Analyst (Firewall / IDS / System / VPN / Field Engineer)

地點: Central & Western Area

需求: Monitoring the security system and keep the security devices software up-to-date with the latest versions.

技能: Professional qualification such as CISA is an advantage

職位: Aftership Limited –Marketing Communications Copywriter

地點: Tsuen Wan Area

需求: Contribute to our content strategy by writing new blog content, ebooks, industry reports, etc. about eCommerce trend.

技能: Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English

關於: Aftership Limited


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