Pokemon GO 在手機遊戲市場所帶來的衝擊前所未見,其影響力甚至連 Siri 也會對 Pokemon GO 相關的指令有所回應。
最近有人發現,如果向 Siri 說出有關 Pokemon GO 的內容,Siri 的回應不會是一般的通用內容,而是與 Pokemon GO 相關的回應,十分有趣,其中包括以下幾款:
“[用家名字]! Go!”
“I like playing peekabo with Pikachu.”
“Oh, is that why everyone keeps asking what color a Geodude is?”
“I’ve been looking in the much for Muk.”
“Of course. That’s what it’s all about. Oh, wait, that’s the hoké Pokémon.”
“Just make sure to look both ways. And up and down, too.”
“I like pocket monsters. Pocket assistants, too.”
“Confining virtual beings inside powerful devices makes me feel funny for some reason.”
Siri 的對答向來有不少有趣的內容,不過雖然 Siri 有加入這些回答,但 Siri 與 Pokemon GO App 之間並沒有任何的連動功能。隨着資料庫逐步改善,Siri 的對答應該會變得更加自然,只是功能上也要繼續改善,才能真正帶來便利。