由歌手 Jay-Z 領軍的音樂串流平台 TIDAL ,除了無損音質是其重要賣點外,另一賣點便是「Artist-friendly」,支付音樂人更多的收入份額,這也是 TIDAL 試圖與 Spotify 區別出來的分別。然而, TIDAL 剛剛卻遭到集體訴訟,控訴的正是不支付專利費。
TIDAL 承諾會比其他同類平台將更多的收入份額分予音樂人;而且由 Jay-Z 所領軍,有一眾大牌歌手站台,一直吹噓著專利費比市場上任何其他串流平台高。
然而, TIDAL 於上週末受到 Yesh Music Publishing 和 John Emanuele (The American Dollar) 集體訴訟,他們試圖證明 TIDAL 所說的「 Artist-friendly」只是口頭上說說而已。這次訴訟要求 TIDAL 賠償專利費及侵權費共 500 萬,因為歌曲並未獲得同意在 TIDAL 播放,至今 TIDAL 仍未支付任何費用。
在 Vulture 的聲明中,TIDAL 聲稱 Yesh Music 和 Emanuele 被誤傳了「誰欠他們專利費」。而現在 TIDAL 已經從其服務中刪除了 The American Dollar 的歌曲。
以下為 TIDAL 聲明:
TIDAL is up to date on all royalties for the rights to the music stated in Yesh Music, LLC and John Emanuele’s claim and they are misinformed as to who, if anyone, owes royalty payments to them. As Yesh Music, LLC admits in their claim, TIDAL has the rights to the Master Recordings through its distributor Tunecore and have paid Tunecore in full for such exploitations. Their dispute appears to be over the mechanical licenses, which we are also up to date on payments via Harry Fox Agency our administrator of mechanical royalties.
來源: The Next Web