早幾日某演藝人公司公開表示:「表演歸表演,政治歸政治」,希望大家不要因為「小事」而針對某些藝人。但現實中真的可以這樣分得開嗎?理論上可以,但有時面對部分非理性的人,就未必行得通了。近期十分大熱的 Clash Royale 手機遊戲,有一位香港玩家就因為遊戲內名稱被多名中國玩家投訴,因此被 Clash Royale 遊戲公司 Supercell 的管理團隊封殺戶口!
究竟該香港玩家改了什麼名稱引來如此軒然大波?據史兄在 Facebook 上表示,該玩家只是改了一個「HK IS NOT CHINA」的名稱,因此引來多名中國玩家投訴,所以就以「不恰當名稱」理由被 ban。但問題是,該遊戲如要改名,亦需遊戲公司方面批准,但為何開始時被允許使用,現時被多名玩家投訴就「跪低」?該香港玩家就不服氣,寫信向 Supercell 負責團隊投訴,該團隊亦回覆以下內容:
Thanks for your message, and for playing Clash Royale!
I’m sorry to hear how you feel. I remember your case and why we decided to take those measurements against your clan and account. But first I want you to know that I completely understand why you are upset and why you don’t see that clan name as offensive. Of course Hong Kong is not China, that makes sense, but things are a bit more complicated.
You should also be able to see the situation from our side. Supercell is creating awesome games that are played by awesome people worldwide. With so many different cultures and countries being gathered and even clashed against each other it’s really hard to keep everyone happy. We have promised ourselves that we will still try and keep our games as neutral as possible, keeping them clean and tidy, politics-, religion-, sex-, offence-free – whenever possible. I can assure you this is very difficult to achieve, so we have created some rules.
Unfortunately your clan was reported to us multiple times by completely different players who felt offended by the name, because in their hearts they truly believe that Hong Kong is China, being a Region of the People’s Republic of China. And they are also right, in a way. The thing is that they see it as a political thing, as a violation of Chinese territorial sovereignty. Our team gathered and discussed the case for some time and it turned out that some Chinese people from our team also found it offensive so we decided that it’s best to change it – to prevent more people feeling upset. This is what I meant when I said it’s really difficult to find the right choice in such situations, to keep everybody happy and the the game neutral, especially with such controversial topics. I hope you can understand.
Supercell 方面更表示他們也是迫於無奈才有此舉,希望該玩家體諒他們。該團隊更表示已重設該玩家的名稱為「Zerfall」,如果他不喜歡亦可以事後改為其他名稱,例如:Hong Kong、Hong Kong Love、Hong Kong Team、HK is cool、HK is the best 等。
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