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香港 Apple 過千職員聯署發信 冀 Tim Cook 聲援是次香港公民運動

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相信關心香港的讀者,都應該知道近日發生的事,現時已有不少人相繼罷工及罷課。而根據 Apple 香港職員透露,今日公司約 1,000 名職員已配戴上黃絲帶上班,並且聯署向 Apple 總裁 Tim Cook 發信,希望他能支持及關注今次的佔中行動。

根據聯署的公開信提到,香港人為人權及民主抗爭,但卻受到中央政府的無理暴力對待,職員希望以人道及尊重見稱的 Apple,能夠在 Tim Cook 的帶領下,支持及聲援香港今次的公民運動。


“I am ______, an employee of Apple Store (branch).

The people of Hong Kong is now under the violent treatment of the Central government, while fighting for the human rights and democracy of Hong Kong. Countless citizens and students have been fighting in the streets for many consecutive days.

To save the endangered future of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Federation of Students is going to suspend classes, markets and work.

I, as an employee of Apple Retail, am pledging Tim Cook and Apple, the most humanised and the most respectful company, to support and help our civil disobedience campaign, and also to respond to the fight of Hong Kong people.”


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