Apple 剛剛釋出體積只有 7MB 多的 OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.1 軟體更新。是次更新包括常規性系統修復,增強 Mac 機穩定性及兼容性,主要修復了使用 Thunderbolt 顯示器播放音頻時出現的問題、解決導致 iMessages 訊息無法傳送的問題,以及解決了使用拼音輸入時可能會導致系統沒有響應的問題等。至於大家最關心的電池續航問題,Apple 就未有提及。大家現可透過 選單欄下的「軟體更新…」,或直接透過 Mac App Store 檢視可用更新項目進行升級。
This update includes general operating system fixes that improve the stability and compatibility of your Mac, including fixes that:
● Resolve an issue that may cause Migration Assistant to unexpectedly quit
● Improve compatibility when connecting to a Microsoft Exchange server in Mail
● Address an issue playing audio through a Thunderbolt display
● Resolve an issue that could prevent iMessages from being sent
● Address an issue that could cause the system to become unresponsive when using Pinyin input
● Resolve an issue when connecting to SMB servers with long names
● Address a issue that may prevent Safari from launching when using a Proxy Automatic Configuration (PAC) file
● Improve 802.1X authentication with Active Directory credentials
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