Whatsapp 感情攻防:兩不做奪男人心

Whatsapp 是朋友間很好的通信工具,有 Internet 就可以發信息,數量不限。這種溝通條件,造就了 Whatsapp 成為近年常用於男女之間用來「Flirt」對方的好工具。近年由風水玄學,同時成為了感情顧問的龍震天,最近就為一個個案分享了,女性應該防止兩個常犯錯誤,可以令男方獲得更好的印象。


最近很多朋友都問我如何在 whatsapp 之中「增強對話技巧」,「讓自已提高吸引力」。


剛好,今天收到好客人 E 小姐的電郵,她想問如何可以在 whatsapp 之中可以問到對方日常生活的細節,而更重要是,何時可以開始 flirt.

E小姐很好人,她不介意將 whatsapp 對話和各位分享,讓大家可以學習到 whatsapp 及 flirt 的技巧。



E 小姐的 whatsapp 對話(Him 為那為男士,Me 為 E 小姐)

Him: hi 你好. nice to meet u.

Me: Hello, My name is E. It’s nice to meet you too! 🙂


Me: Just read about your introduction that you like shopping, how often do you go to shopping? I like shopping too but just 2 times per week. 🙂

(Shopping 是一個切入點,但男方的答案好像「九唔搭八」,我們再看下去。)

Him: Hi E, your name is special, although I don’t really know what it means 🙂


In fact I don’t go shopping very often, just I won’t feel annoying to go with girls, and sometimes I also give my opinion to them. btw, what do u shop for usually?

(這句就是「九唔搭八」之處了。他在自我介紹之中說喜歡 shopping,但又說自己事實上不常去 shopping,為甚麼呢?可能是迎合現時的女孩子?還加上一句「我和女孩子一起去購物不會覺得厭煩」,好像太過著跡了。)

Me: Haha… a lot of people said my english name is rare. My aunt chose the name for me when I was born. Have checked that it was originally a French name. :p 

So, you must be busy to go shopping with gals, rite?? Mostly, I go to the shopping centers at CWB but not specific shops. It all depends on the style and price. Anyway, it’s great to talk with you!

(這句就犯了錯誤了,「So, you must be busy to go shopping with gals, rite??」

1. 反問但沒有好處,也就是像在問:「那,你就是有很多女朋友了?」
2. 文後再加一個「rite」,有追問的感覺。
3. 「rite」之後再加兩個問號,是加強追問的語氣?


1. 說甚麼?
2. 為甚麼現在說?
3. 說了之後為你帶來甚麼好處?

然後,再用上 anyway,這也是要留意的重點之一。

我們的對話之中,切忌用 anyway。


在以下兩種情況會用 anyway:

1. 話題沒有了,接不下去。
2. 對方說了一樣東西,自已不同意。

在這個情況之下,E 小姐是第一種情況,所以她就說 anyway。但大家可能沒有留意,anyway 是一個負面字眼,在日常生活之中要少用。)

Him: oh, French name… any meaning from the name? long time ago, I always go shopping with my female friends, now seldom, cause I spent my times mainly on work and hobbies. 人越大, 時間越少.  CWB have many shops and choices, from 平民 to high end.

sometimes window shopping is also good. thanks, hope I won’t boring you 🙂


Me: The meaning of my name is “light”?! I used to search from the other website and there is another meaning but i forgot. :p I agree with you that when we get older, we dun have much time to do other stuff, especially spend lots of time on work. And I think you are a good advisor on choosing clothes and stuff. 🙂 window shopping is not bad as you can update the trend too! You like watching movies, and travelling around, rite? Did you watch “貞子3d” before? I did watch it with expectation but it was not as scary as i thought.

(E 小姐再在這裏用了兩個技巧,我覺得是錯誤的。

1. 再用「rite?」
2. 用了負面字眼。她問對方有沒有看戲,而她自已分享了貞子3D不好看。她可以分享,但可以分享看過那套戲好看呀!)

Him: “Light” is a meaningful word. well, I just have my own view point on choosing, in fact i am out of the trend…haha..

window shopping is good sometimes. I didn’t see that film..coz I don’t think this film in 3D will be good. the old one is scary enough.

(對方只能就著E小姐的對話而再 paraphase,男方一直都好穏陣,只是一些普通 chat 而已。)

Me: How about you?? Did you choose your name by yourself??

I dun think you are out of the trend wor as your friends asked your suggestion when doing shopping with them. 🙂

What else do you like to do during weekend?

Mostly playing boardgames and shopping with friends during weekend. Since I need to work 1/2 day on Sat, so I can’t spend a lot on time on it. 😛


Him: yes, I choose my name.  I normally stay home, watching movie and books. rest is important in weekend



Whatsapp 在現時社會來看,的確是一件實用及有用的工具,這就如電腦一樣,每個人都用電腦的時候,你不能不用電腦。

你不用 whatsapp,你就錯失了很多機會,不單是感情,在工作上,人際關係上,你也可能會因此而降低了運氣。

所以,你明白了這一點,你幾乎毫不考慮就會知道,你一定要好好學習怎樣用 whatsapp。

雖然大部份的人都會用 whatsapp,但依我看,大部份人都不會用得很好,這也合情合理,因為學校沒有一個科目,是教人玩 whatsapp的,而即使你想學,市面上也沒有很多書是專講 whatsapp 的。




我看到很多桃花運從女孩子,她們用 whatsapp 都會很厲害,她們很懂得利用這個文字溝通軟件為自已製造優勢。

在 E 小姐的例子之中,我發覺有兩大問題,大家可以學習及避免。





而且問問題最好「適可宜止」。在 whatsapp 的過程之中,分享尤勝於問問題。因為問問題對方回答了,可能只是一個禮貎而已,不值錢;但如果能夠讓對方主動告訴你,那會更好。







來源:Whatsapp 實戰技巧篇 — 兩大忌一定要避免

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