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未來報告:Sony A99不專業試用心得

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Sony A900推出近四年,其後繼機至今仍未出現。有傳A99將會取代A900成為Sony新一代FF全片幅機王,但一直只是聞樓梯響。最近就有用家報告向Sonyalpha Rumors站長提供簡單的A99測試資料,大家又看看是否你心目中的功能?

The final production A99 doesn’t have a built-in flash lamp (Editors note: some prototypes with built-in flash were tested). There is a new hot shoe for accys so a special link is delivered with this camera. The Autofocus is really fast. The A99 (with non final firmware) has an ISO range of 50-25600 (Editors note: Final firmware will probably have a +2 stop push in High ISO). Camera is bit lighter than the A900 (973 g with battery). The A99 weights 827g with battery. The Battery is the NP FM500H. The camera has no CF slot! It comes with two slots for SD/MS and SD cards!

總括以上文字,Sony A99將會擁有ISO 50-25,600設計,對焦極快,機身更為輕巧,採用與A900相同的FM500H電池,一樣也是沒有內置閃燈功能,另外CF/SD兩用亦變成了雙SD/MS卡插槽,不過就沒有透露是否支援Sony最新的XQD卡。

其實以上所謂的試用報告並沒有透露多少資料,以小編所知,A99會是第一部採用SLT技術的FF無反機,以EVF取代OVF,還會加入拍片功能,而A99也會在對焦系統方面大幅改良,據聞會有102點對焦點,不過其感光元件則仍是2400萬像素,同樣強化了不少設計以增加連拍速度,也會有更強勁的Dynmaic Range等。


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