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MacBook Air死機:確認是Chrome所造成

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前日跟大家報道道過Gizmodo網站編輯的MacBook Air出現了莫名奇妙的死機問題,日前Google也証實了問題出現在他們的Chrome瀏覽器上,並已暫時推出更新作修正。

問題在於Chrome啟動了GPU加速後,與MacBook Air內建的HD Graphics 4000發生硬件衝突,令Mac OS X的核心產生不穩定,從而出現了死機情況。被視為穩定性極高的Mac OS X也可以遇到軟件問題而令系統死機,可以見到Chrome的「強大之處」。而新的更新已經發送,主要是將GPU加速功能暫時停止,待日後解決了問題才再度更新。


“We have identified a leak of graphics resources in the Chrome browser related to the drawing of plugins on Mac OS X. Work is proceeding to find and fix the root cause of the leak.

The resource leak is causing a kernel panic on Mac hardware containing the Intel HD 4000 graphics chip (e.g. the new Macbook Airs). Radar bug number 11762608 has been filed with Apple regarding the kernel panics, since it should not be possible for an application to trigger such behavior.

While the root cause of the leak is being fixed, we are temporarily disabling some of Chrome’s GPU acceleration features on the affected hardware via an auto-updated release that went out this afternoon (Thursday June 28). We anticipate further fixes in the coming days which will re-enable many or all of these features on this hardware.”


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