除了iPhone 4S和Siri,聖誕老人也用Google和Android

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聖誕老人無可否認已成為聖誕推銷的代表,繼Apple借聖誕老人賣廣告,力谷iPhone 4S和Siri語音助理後,Google亦同時利用聖誕老人宣傳Google搜尋器。

Google Search的聖誕宣傳片,作曲作詞均由Google員工一手包辦,部份員工更粉墨登場扮演聖誕老人和小精靈用Rap去宣傳Google Search,下面有片段和歌詞供讀者欣賞。

Yo, I run a few searches before the big flight, To save me more time on this magical night. I type [sunrise and city] of my last stop, I got plenty of time before my last drop.

If I don’t know the time in a certain city, I peep it on search before my chimney shimmy. Tyle [time and town] before I come into town, To see if Johnny’s in bed before I hit ground.

Go Santa, Santa work it! Go Santa, Santa search it!

But before I go flying through the frosty air, I do a weather search to decide what to wear. Mrs. Clause, should I bring my extra warm down jacket? [Mrs. Clause]: Hmmm, yes. You should definitely pack it. And please pack these cookies that I baked for you. Shhhhh! I researched the recipe with recipe view, And used the low cal filter, I must admit: I wanna make sure that jacket still fits!

Go Santa, Santa work it! Go Santa, Santa search it!

Check one, check two: yes I check twice. Santa’s Google Doc called ‘Naughty and nice.’ With control+F, I find a name in the doc n’, I hope I don’t have to put coal in a stockin’

When I’m cruising in my sleigh with my hands on the reigns, Voice input is handy, ’cause typing is a pain. If on a wish list I spot a gift I never heard: schlittschuhe, I use the translate app to speak the foreign word.

Go Santa, Santa work it! Go Santa, Santa search it! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho.

Go Santa, Santa work it! Go Santa, Santa search it!

Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Yeah!

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