3香港及3澳門即將在香港及澳門推出iPhone 4。iPhone 4是全球最纖薄的智能手機,同時擁有iPhone前所未有的高解像屏幕。有關售價及月費計劃的詳情,請留意3香港及3澳門日後的公布,或致電客戶熱線3166-8787(3香港) / 1118(3澳門),客戶亦可到香港及澳門全線3Shop查詢。如需了解更多有關iPhone 4的資料,請瀏覽www.apple.com/iphone。
以下是 3 的 PR 公司寄給我們的電郵內容 : –
Dear all,
Below please find our press statement on iPhone 4 for your publication. Thanks much.
Corporate Communications Department
3 Hong Kong
3HK and 3Macau will launch iPhone 4, the thinnest smartphone in the world with the highest resolution display ever built into a phone, in Hong Kong and Macau in the coming months. For information on pricing and tariff plans, please refer to our future announcement or call our customer hotline at 3166-8787 (HK) / 1118 (Macau) or visit 3Shops in Hong Kong and Macau. For more information on iPhone 4, please visit www.apple.com/iphone .
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